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Dozens of autoimmune and other chronic disease are associated with cellular dysfunction which show up as symptoms in the myriad of diseases we have today. There are simple ways to show us when there is disequilibrium in the body and there are solutions to regulate and balance them. I am committed to investigating the root causes of illness, helping to reverse and prevent chronic disease by formulating individualized treatment plans for life long success. 


With a thorough background in integrative medicine, I provide comprehensive services that promote healing and vitality. Using a range of holistic services, I can help you achieve optimal well-being through personalized care, compassion, and attention. 


My mission is to help you live your most vibrant and radiant life. By focusing on physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoiding risky substances, a whole food plant based diet and positive social connections, you are provided the keys to improve your overall well-being, vitality, and longevity.

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Open Road

Current Offerings

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Vitality Clinic

A detailed review of all your medications, supplements, environment, stress levels, toxins, and diet to identify any missing or over-abundant nutrients. This thorough approach aims to reduce polypharmacy and helps you achieve optimal health naturally with lifestyle awareness.

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Holistic Services

Our holistic techniques include iridology, reflexology, tongue analysis, aromatherapy, sound therapy, art therapy, and massage used as adjuncts to traditional Western medicine practices including diagnostic labs and imaging 


As a woman, I feel the like the health care industry continually dismisses female patients. Ms. Urdaz was the 1st provider to listen to everything I said and asked meaningful follow up questions. She took the time to ask things that my previous primary care provider did not and sent me for different blood work. Because she was extremely thorough and took the time to listen to me, and got the necessary blood work done, we were able to to draw up a new treatment plan together. Never once did she talk AT me, she spoke to me and took the time to explain why some things might be better than others and what possible next steps might be. This is the first time in a long time, that I've felt heard by my provider. Thankfully, my new treatment plan is working wonders. For anyone who's felt dismissed or condescended to by their provider, I highly recommend Ms. Urdaz. She makes you feel like you are more than a number, she gets to know you as a patient before throwing pills at you.



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